celebrating the small wins is key to sustaining behaviour change

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Every Sprout Counts

Ever been so busy that you overlook the small wins?

Like me this week, after a few weeks of getting back to sweating the basic health sprouts, I have found I can now fit into a shirt that I bought last year with the intention of fitting into it. There’s a lot I could write about that (have you ever bought something thinking, I’ll lose the weight and get into that, only to find it cluttering the wardrobe for years?). For now thought, I want to acknowledge the importance of noticing the small wins.

I actually tried on that shirt this morning, thinking I’d just give it a go and found it actually fit. Snug yes, but fit and the buttons weren’t hanging on for dear life trying but failing to effectively hide my belly. This time, they fit and the buttons actually adopted a rather relaxed and nonchalant grip.

That’s a result!

Almost Overlooked!

But more importantly, it’s one that I might well have overlooked and definitely not appreciated. Why? Because it’s such a small thing. So what if the buttons don’t have to fight to save me from embarrassment? I still have 10 pounds of weight to lose and it’s been so hard shifting it!

But isn’t that how we achieve our goals? Ok, so there are those big all out efforts that grab your attention. But the reality is, most change, for better or worse, happens in the sprout-sized realm. In the overlooked and under-appreciated.

That is why, it is so important to practice a bit of noticing and appreciation whilst on any journey towards a goal, especially when it comes to weight-loss. Because after those first few heady weeks or months of bigger losses and the elation of believing it is finally happening, we have to settle into the day to day sweating of the sprout-sized habits and learning to accept that progress happens in small steps over time.

So if you are seeking to lose some weight, improve your health, develop a skill or build a business, focus not just on those sprout-sized actions that move you forward. Focus as well on celebrating both the sweating of those sprouts (the doing the do) AND looking for signs of the small wins. Those small wins can really be hinting at something bigger. They can be a signal that what you are doing is working and it is worth it. It is worth keeping at it. They can often mean so much more than a shifting needle on a scale!

Dave Algeo

I help hard-pressed professionals struggling with their weight, wellbeing and work-life balance, by providing a ‘life-proof’ process to lose weight, improve health and get life back on their own terms. Get in touch if you want to work with me to help you develop your own life-proof approach to finally achieving sustainable weight-loss.

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