
Are you a hard-pressed professional struggling with your own weight, wellbeing and work-life balance? Checkout the MidLife Reshape Membership and learn the ‘life-proof’ process for sustainable weight loss, improved health and getting life back on your terms:

The Restless Midlifer Podcast:

This podcast is for you if you are a fellow ‘Mid-Lifer’ looking to reclaim your health, lose weight, feel more confidence in your own skin and re-ignite that sense of adventure. It’s never too late and you are never too old to start and pursue more meaning, health and adventure.Join host and fellow Restless Mid-Lifer , Dave Algeo as he explores getting your life back under your control (regroup), losing weight, improving health and fitness (reshape) and back on purpose (redesign).
Find the pod on your platform of choice, subscribe, rate and review by clicking below:

Latest Episodes:

If you want to catch up with previous episodes by audio, then visit www.davealgeo.com/podcast (the ‘restless midlifer’ is the former name of the pod) or by searching ‘midlife reshape’ in your podcast feed of choice.

If you prefer to watch you podcasts see below: